Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Parade

This year was the Rabbit's first Easter (his affectionate mommy nickname
Jax Rabbit...get it? We used to call him bunny when he was a few months old...i let him grow out of that becuase I couldn't imagine calling a 13 year old Bunny accidentally in front of his friends and being forgiven. lol). Since Derek's parents live an hour away, and everyone wants to celebrate with the Rabbit, I decided let's party at my crib. This is always a perfect time to get my house perfected. A little pressure always gets things accomplished. ;) We loved having all of our family in to celebrate. Jax had a great time. His first egg hunt was a success. He kept picking up each egg and saying, "ball?" His new obsession is, you guessed it, any and all balls.

My friend M took these pictures at our church Easter bonanza. Little Z and the Rabbit are already fast friends. M is so talented don't you think? Thanks girl!!!!!!!

I have an app on my phone that allows you to black and white the picture, but leave color in certain areas...this picture is of his actual eye color...not doctored at all.

My centerpiece... I am so proud of that!!!!! My mom used to buy us Peeps! every Easter. I thought it was a nice nod to my childhood (and I didn't have to eat them....whew! they are interesting to the's like shooting up sugar). And next, my HUGE price saver of the week - MY FERN! I am so proud of thist plant!!!!! It spans about 3 feet and I purchased it on sale at Walmart for ..... (drumroll please) ..... 6 dollars. You heard me. I'm hearing gasps across blogland. I am so, so proud of that fern. Now if I can just keep it alive.

More pictures of my gorgeous rabbit and his very handsome daddy. I love my boys!!!!!

And just in case anyone thinks I have my life altogether, here is a picture of the ever-so-cute chick pinata that we had dangling out on the deck...Derek forgot to bring it in after the party and a huge thunderstorm swept through. Let's have a moment of silence for Mr. Chick. .....

I have several more pictures of what my house looked like after I did a mild overhaul. I will post them soon.


  1. I love me some Jaxon Tiger. He is precious. That boy is gonna be a lady killer! :)
    And his mommy is quite the looker too! :)
    I love the centerpiece!!! That turned out perfectly. I'm totally stealing that idea next year! :)
    And the FERN!!!! WHAT THE??? I'm gonna be on the hunt for a cheap-o fern for my dining room! :)
    Love you muchly!

  2. Hi! I found the bookcase in the nursery from a local antique mall. :)
